Paperless Copywriting

Warrior Special Offer:

"Do You Want to Learn How to Write
Million Dollar Sales Letters? "

From: Lee Cusano,

Dear Friend,

I'm sure you have heard the phrase "you're only one successful sales letter away from millions" or "learning how to write a great sales letter is the easiest way to make millions". There's a good reason why these cliches are everywhere, a good sales letters can sell a product like gangbusters!

Imagine you owned a website, if you took away all the graphics, could you still sell your product?

The answer is a yes but you probably would sell less copies than if your page did have graphics.

Now imagine if you took away all the text, could you still sell your product?

I think it's pretty obvious the answer is no. Sure, graphics are nice sales boosting tools if used correctly, but it's really the text that sells.

But the truth is, they don't do any good unless we learn HOW to write a sales letter that sells like a wild-fire.

After all, EVEN the incredibly wealthy copywriters had to learn this art. Some of them had to spend hours and thousands of dollars to acquire knowledge of how to write a great sales letter... but you don't have to! Because I've made an incredible copywriting package called "Paperless Copywriting" that will teach you the basics of copywriting and, of course, how to write a WINNING sales letter.

This isn't your usual wishy-washy package of crap e-books that is loaded with advertisements and out-dated information.

Each "Paperless Copywriting Module" consists of copywriting e-books that I've personally selected and found useful. All of these are , of course, included in the package for free.

Paperless Copywriting Module 1: Writing the Sales Letter

This is the main part of the package... this is where you learn how to write your own sales letter. I've included 5 products so if you don't like one of the e-book, there's always 4 other e-books to consult to.

  • My proven secret-formula of how to create a mini-site that's guaranteed to make money. I've dissected it into 9 easy to understand blocks to make sure you profit from it right away!
  • The truth about graphic-design and how to use it to generate more leads & sales than you ever imagined possible.
  • How to come up with a riveting headline that pulls in more interested prospects into your offer (and how to turn them into paying customers)
  • Why the only way to go is by setting up multiple streams of income and how to do it correctly!
  • The approach you should use when the product you are selling on your mini-site is not yours (Yes, it's completely different).
  • How anyone can add 16 different streams of income in just a couple of minutes for just pennies a month!
  • How to write tight, well-crafted copy that sells.
  • The top 5 strategies I use to promote my mini-sites.
  • The twists that master-marketers are using this very minute to make fortunes out of their mini-sites... and how you can use the very same techniques to explode your monthly income!
  • Plus marketing genius Mark Joyner sets this report on fire by granting us an exclusive interview where he reveals even more of his killer strategies. (Don't miss out on this one!)
  • How to easily start an online business for less than $200, and most importantly -- how to do it the RIGHT way.
  • How you can use the "Isolation Factor" to make a pile of money.
  • Why "Clicks & Bricks" marketing is the easy path to huge profits.
  • Discover how Alex instantly stands out from all his competition ... and how you can too.
  • Discover how Alex made $30,000 in one month from a simple two page web site, with only around 125 visitors a day! Perhaps that sounds impossible ... but Alex reveals exactly how he did it.
  • How to turn 50 ebooks you're having trouble selling, into an irresistible offer.
  • Confuse the reader and you might as well flush your money down the toilet. Discover how to easily avoid this.
  • How to easily make more money from 40% of all your visitors with only a few minutes work.
  • Why competing with yourself may be one of the most lucrative things you ever do online. Sound silly? Well read this interview to discover how big name online marketers are doing it, and making serious money in the process. This really is one of those hidden secrets people don't talk about.
  • How to make your web page a 'greased chute' that slides your visitor right down to the order page.
  • Discover the "P.R.S. Formula" to make a ton more sales.
  • Why the best copywriting examples in the world come to you every day in your local paper (this will really surprise you).
  • Why being creative will lose you money.
  • How to quickly and easily write 80% of your copy.
  • How to write an FAQ (and why it's so, so important)
  • Discover how to write a "Consumption Matrix" to boost your profits. Hardly anyone is doing this at the moment ...
  • Discover the two types of benefit bullets you must know how to write.
  • Do you know the four "power words" to use in your product titles?
  • Offer the wrong bonuses, and you'll lose sales. Find out how to avoid this.
  • Why Alex is happy to give away $15 to customers. (It actually makes him $1,800)
  • How to make money from customers that ask for a refund.
  • How to get testimonials from online celebrities (however busy they are).
  • How to get Jay Abraham to write a testimonial for you. (No, this isn't a joke.)
  • Why your order page is the most important page on your web site, and how to write it for maximum impact.

Included Products:

1. Killer Mini Sites

2. 10 Steps to Killer Web Copy

3. Cashflow E-business E-book
4. How to Write Million Dollar Ad Copy
5. Discover How to Write Killer Ads
6. Million Dollar Sales Letters

Click here to order "Paperless Copywriting" now!

Paperless Copywriting Module 2: Words That Sell

You'll learn the exact words that sell like crazy! Although it's hard to believe, Joseph Sugarman has changed one word before and doubled his sales.

Included Products:

1. 850 Words and Phrases That Sell!

Hear are some sample words and phrases:

  • A MUST!
2. Magic Letters

Click here to order "Paperless Copywriting" now!

Paperless Copywriting Module 3: Swipe File and Templates

A swipe file is a copywriter's best friend. It's a collection of proven, successful sales letters that you can use to model, not copy (that's illegal). When you have a swipe file, writer's blocks become a foggy memory because you can just look at other sales letters as a model.

Personally, I'm a bit lazy to keep a collection of winning sales letters myself, so I just use products like the ones below. I know, lazy old me.

And, I'll show how to use swipe files correctly and get the maximum benefit from it... this can be the difference between a big fine for violation of intellectual property or a big check from your sell-o-matic sales letter!

Sales letters included:

"The Million Dollar Bill Sales Letter"
Sales letter for "Instant Publisher Business-In-A-Box

"This New Business-In-A-Box Can Earn You Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars"
Sales letter for "Direct Mail Bootcamp Business-In-A-Box

"Hot, Qualified Leads That Will Blow The Lid Off Your Sales And Profits!"
Sales letter for "New Business Power Marketing" Reprint Rights

"Here's The Quickest & Easiest Way For You To Succeed In Mail Order"
Sales letter for "Mail Order Business-In-A-Box

"How To Avoid The Pain & Discomfort Of Product Development"
Sales letter for "OBE Reprint Rights Package

"How To Cash-In On the Booming Demand For CD-ROMs"
Sales letter for "Business 6-Pack" CD-ROM Reprint Rights

"Here's A Rare Opportunity For You To Own & Cash-In On Group M's Million Dollar, 'Hyper-Responsive' Mailing List Of HOT Proven Buyers!"
Sales letter for "Group M's Mailing List

"Double Your Direct Marketing Profits --100 Guaranteed!"
Lead-generating postcard for "Maximum Profit Direct Marketing

"How To Win Tons Of New Customers, Get Them To Buy More Often, Increase The Dollar Amount Of Every Sale, And Double Your Profits In Record Time!"
Sales letter for Maximum Profit Direct Marketing Course

"How To Master The Art-And-Science Of Writing Ads & Sales Letters That Work!"
Sales letter for Advertising Magic Course

"How To Increase Your Sales & Profits With Direct Mail"
Lead-generating postcard for "Direct Mail Bootcamp"

"I Was Held Hostage For 4 Days By The Sharpest Minds In Direct Mail"
Sales letter for "Direct Mail Bootcamp" Course

How To Make A Fortune Selling "How-To" Information By Mail . . .
Sales letter for "Instant Publisher CD"

750 How-To Books, Reports and Manuals You Can Reprint And Sell ...All On A Single CD-ROM!!!
Press release for "Instant Publisher CD"

"How You Can Create A Hot Selling Information Product On Any Subject Almost Instantly...In Just 2 to 4 Hours!"
Sales letter for "How To Create Your Own Information Products”

"How To Turn All Your Ads And Sales Letters Into Powerful Cash Generators - GUARANTEED"
Sales letter for "Direct Marketing Hotseat"

"How To Obtain Premiums, Giveaways & Promotional Merchandise At Discounts So Huge & Prices So Cheap You'll Feel Like You're Stealing!"
Sales letter for "Promotional Merchandise & Close-Outs" Manual

"301 Direct Mail Tips, Techniques, & Secrets"
Sales letter for "301 Direct Mail Tips, Techniques & Secrets" Book

Gary Halbert's famous "Coat of Arms" sales letter
(Produced Over 7 Million Cash With Order Replies)

"Internet Profits: Build Your Business on the Internet!"
Lead-generating ad for "Web Sites"

"How To Get Your Very Own Web Site On The Internet (Professionally Designed And Everything) For Less Than $2 A Day"
Sales letter for "Web Sites"

"Here's How You Can Promote Virtually Any Business, Product, Or Service On The Internet!"
Sales letter for "Online Marketing Power Pack" Course

"For People Who Want To Make Serious Money While Spending Little To NO MONEY Of Their Own...
Sales letter for "How to Get One Million Dollars Worth of FREE ADVERTISING"

"Amazing Secret Electronic Money-Making Goldmine Revealed!"
Sales Letter for "How To Get Rich With Buy-Low/Sell-High Internet Auctions..."

"Don't Risk Another Dime On Ineffective Marketing."
Sales letter for “How To Write Million Dollar Ads, Sales Letters, And Web Marketing Pieces"

Question: What's The Key Secret To Increasing Your Sales & Profits By As Much as 917%?
Sales letter for "Maximum Profit Copywriting Clinic"

Included Products:

1. Magnetic Sales Letters
2. 92 Hypnotic Sales Letter Templates
3. Web Sales Letters Supreme

Click here to order "Paperless Copywriting" now!

Paperless Copywriting Module 4: Autoresponder and E-mail Copywriting

Even though the ability to write sales letters is important, so is the ability to write great autoresponder and e-mails! After all, you have to get people to your website in the first place.

Both e-books give a bit of introduction on how to do autoresponder/e-mail copywriting and then shows you a bunch of successful autoresponder/e-mail messages to model after.

  • The art of getting no complaints or spam accusations
    We already talked about why spamming (or even being accused) is a recipe for disaster.
  • The simple psychological trigger to huge double-digit response rates (you won't want to send out another email without using this technique).
  • 7 little-known online (and offline) ways to massively increase your opt-in list.
  • What to write in the subject line so your message gets opened and acted on.
    According to eMarketer, Americans get an average of 15.2 email messages a day (and that number continues to rise) so unless your email's subject line is compelling - your message wind up in the trash faster than you can blink. (Ouch!)
  • How to nourish your email list so recipients look forward to every email.
  • How to make your winning emails do double and triple duty (wait until you see this one).
  • The simple question that resulted in a massive 38% response rate

Included Products:

1. Autoresponder Magic
2. Million Dollar E-mails

Click here to order "Paperless Copywriting" now!

Paperless Copywriting Module 5: Advanced Copywriting

If you're serious about being a killer copywriter, then you'll definitely read "The Buy Impulse" and "30 Minute Marketing Miracle" because both show you how to make a "so-so" sales letter to a "killer" sales letter.

  • The single greatest mind control technique there is .  Adding just THIS ONE technique to your site will easily double your conversion ratios the instant you implement it.
  • How to get your customers engaged in your web site
  • How to build your own credibility with them so that they will automatically believe everything you tell them
  • How to use the two most powerful emotions humans have to leverage greater sales on your web site.
  • Which technique can be used on your site to keep your customers hanging on your ever word, wanting ... almost begging you ... to tell them every word of your sales message
  • Which two "hot buttons" you can hit together that will create a powerful motivator for your customers to purchase immediately .
  • The single way that will get your customer to purchase your product while at the same time making it so that you NEVER have a refund request
  • Exactly what to do with your "satisfaction guarantee" that will make it one of the best mind control techniques on your site.  Right now almost no one is doing this right.  Implement this trick on your site, and you'll quickly find sales going up, and your customers actually appreciating your products MORE .
  • How to use your customer's own knowledge to get them to buy from you.
  • You get a powerful mind control tool that will get your customers to do what you ask them, when you ask them, and without asking you tons of questions.  They'll just do what you ask .
  • How to take any and every "flaw" in your product and make it a benefit in the minds of your customers.  Understand that this trick is literally a "competition killer."   Start using this technique and your competitors won't even know what hit them.
  • How to create such EXTREME value for your products in the minds of your customers, that they will consider every other competing product to be utter garbage.
  • What you can do to immediately boost sales right now .  This one technique was used by a computer consulting companies to sell hundreds of copies of their software in a single week.
  • How to put your customers in the perfect frame of mind, and think of your products in the exact way you want them to for maximum sales .
  • SUSPECT NO-ONE'S READING YOUR ADS? Brett reveals what prospects REALLY hate to read ... and what they can't get enough of (this one master revelation could totally revolutionize your marketing and glue your prospects onto any ad you run in the future)
  • A "killer" introduction to a sales letter which you can use as a template to get prospects licking their chops in excitement over your product or service!
  • The truth behind getting people to take you up on your offer ... like it was the last toy in the store on Christmas Eve!
  • The astonishingly simple process for working out which headlines are going to make you the most money (a change in headline can increase your response by up to 1700%! - and so Brett reveals the easy process you can use to find your winner)
  • 4 hot headline examples straight from Brett McFall (and yes, you can model these suckers for your own greedy gain too!)
  • How to educate your prospects to your amazing value (and have them LOVE every second of it - wouldn't that be nice?)
  • A knockout "marketing approach" to get your phone ringing off the hook (and why this sneaky little secret works any where any how)
  • How to get your own customers to help you sell even more of your product or service (at no cost to you!)

Included Products:

1. The Buy Impulse

2. 30 Minute Marketing Miracle

Click here to order "Paperless Copywriting" now!

Paperless Copywriting Module 6: Classic Copywriting Resources

I've included...

  • A classic copywriting e-book called "Scientific Advertising"

  • Title of a *great* copywriting book that can probably be found at your local library (most copywriting books can't be found in most public libraries)

  • Link to the #1 FREE website on copywriting and direct mail.

Included Products:

1. Scientific Advertising

Click here to order "Paperless Copywriting" now!

My 1 YEAR "Go ahead and try out Paperless Copywriting 100% risk-free, and if you're not absolutely satisfied with it I'll give you a prompt and courteous refund" Guarantee

I've every intention in honoring the guarantee. I will not question you or give you a refund as late as I can. There is one catch though ... I'll only honor the guarantee after you have purchased Paperless Copywriting for 30 days.

Why? Because I don't want unscrupulous online business owners to ask a refund the next morning. You still have 300 or so odd days to ask for a guarantee.

Here's a quick break-down on what you'll be receiving when you purchase "Paperless Copywriting" today:


Killer Mini Sites
10 Steps to Killer Web Copy
Cashflow E-business E-book
How to Write Million Dollar Ad Copy
Discover How to Write Killer Ads
Million Dollar Sales Letters
850 Words and Phrases That Sell!
Magic Letters
Magnetic Sales Letters
92 Hypnotic Sales Letter Templates
Web Sales Letters Supreme
Autoresponder Magic
Million Dollar E-mails
The Buy Impulse
30 Minute Marketing Miracle
Scientific Advertising
Total Value:

All for the low price of $39!


I'll give you FULL MASTER RESALE RIGHTS (valued at $127.00) to Paperless Copywriting. AND you'll get a PRE-MADE website (you're getting the website you're reading from right now)!

You can purchase "Paperless Copywriting" by clicking on the paypal button below. You will be automatically sent to the download page after you purchase the product were you can download all the products in 1 simple file.


Please Note: Please Resale "Paperless Copywriting"
For At Least $39. I can not force you to, however any price lower would devalue its value.


Lee Cusano

P.S. Still not sure if "Paperless Copywriting" is for you? Even if you learned just 1 sales letter technique that doubled your sales, it would generate you $100 extra cash for every $100 of sales you make. That's more than triple the cost of "Paperless Copywriting".